cute visitors

I had some cute visitors yesterday. My daughter had surgery yesterday,so her four little ones hung out at grandma's house. I can't say we did too many fun things because grandma isn't used to taking care of babies anymore, she was dragging!Memories are what count and they seem to be happy just to be here. Isn't that little Natalie darling. Her cute thing to say is when you ask if she wants to have her diaper changed, or eat she'll say very politely "No, thank-you".We did paint but, that went sour pretty quick with Lance. Abby painted a cute little bunny while Lance did his car tracks. Again the difference between boys and girls. We'll do this again next week because my daughter will need surgery again, I'm going to be alittle more organized!

Have a lovely week-end friends!


  1. They're so cute! Looks like they had a lot of fun, too. You don't have to keep them running around to have fun ;)

  2. What a cute bunch! You're so lucky to have them close enough to pop over like that. I'll bet they had a grand time and are looking forward to going back to Grandma Linda's House!

  3. You rock mom!! Thanks so much.

  4. Don't worry, Mom. We tone down the fun when we have babies too, but babies are their own kind of fun. I'm sure Becky was SUPER grateful to have her husband by her side and to know her children were in good hands.

  5. Ha ha! So funny about the painting going south. I remember my son, Cliff, when he was that age he'd do the prettiest pictures and then paint black all over the top. I tried to stop him because they were so nice and, boy that he is, he just drew and painted black over my hands, then the picture. I gave up. Boys will know.

  6. that's so funny Julie! Yes, they are a different breed but I adore little boys!


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