
Well, we had a great week-end with the Kang's. Lots of work and fun. One thing I love about the Kang children is how much they like to be read to, I always get to read lots of books. Sarah got a steal on a bunch of Golden Books at a garage sale so it was a lot of reminiscing for me as I read books to them that I'd read to their mom . After working out in 95 degree weather we finally quit and drove to a nice little stream(river) and let the kids play in the water for awhile. Very relaxing and always fun to watch the kids play. We all ended up on one side of the stream and Chris on the other, so we were throwing rocks and trying to splash him. Surprised I could even get a rock across, I accidentally hit him in the ankle with one. I felt so bad, not a good mother-in-law move! Sorry, Chris!
So, my manly man helped Sarah get some projects done, they planted blue berry bushes,a couple fruit trees and made a strawberry pyramid. We mowed a couple lawns and just had fun hanging out.
Our goats weren't very well behaved while we were gone and got out a couple times.They're looking for something greener on the other side....called blackberry bushes.


  1. Thank you for coming! Around 7:30, Chloe remarked that you guys were probably already home, ate dinner and that Grandpa was probably home teaching.


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