My Manly Man brought me a couple loads of gravel and we got our paths re-graveled which have needed doing for a couple years! Thanks Honey!

And we were blessed we a couple of helpers who were dedicated to shoveling gravel(for a little bit anyway) . Arn't they darling. Get'em to work while their young!

Looks so much better! And I'll tell the whole world ....I used round-up on the weeds!
Some of you will think me a bad person for this, but , a person has to do what a person has to do! And I did!

It's fun having the grandchildren all over at once or in groups but, just like your own children its nice having them by themselves once in a while. When our children were young we were pretty good at "special times". Nothing big, just time alone when you got to see who your child really was.


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