We sadly left Gerrit in York and headed up to Edinburgh. I was amazed at how calm Rachel was, after worrying that without Gerrit prompting her she'd be lost. but...she did better...hmmmmm..I'll say nothing more. We had a lovely trip even though it was dark.
Loved York, want to live there of course. My favorite thing we did was visit Howard Castle. Up in the hills with the sheep and green grass was the most incredible castle/villa. Green grass sloping down to a beautiful lake, incredible gardens and we had the most wonderful pork and dressing sandwitch in their little tea room.I havn't even told you the greatest thing about this castle. Its said that this is where the Tunnells came from. Lady Anne Howards father had hired a french tutor for her with the last name of Toniller. They fell in love and her father would not let them marry so they ran away married and moved to america changing their name to Tunnell.She was always called Lady Howard til she died at 99. Sweet huh?
Tomarrows our last day and we have so much of course we want to do. Right now its midnight and Rachels out trying to meet a scotsman. Seriously. I'll let you know how that goes.
She talked to Lance today and he says he hasn't pooped in his pants since she's been gone. She said if thats true then the trip was a success!(shes had alot of fun)
love to all you people


  1. I don't think Lance has pooped at all since Rachel's gone! So, He's definitely telling the truth.


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