creative grandma

My Manly Man's mother has lived in our basement for six years now. We joke that we let her out when she's finished her latest project. It's really been nice having her in our home.Our children spent little time with her when they were growing up , since we always lived away, so its been sweet for them. She's totally independent and will be leaving again the end of January for her yearly trip to see her sisters. She drives down through California and over to Arizona. We all hope we'll be the same at that age!

These itty bitty dolls are one of her latest projects, her great-granddaughters are crazy over them.She's slowly making them all one!

In August our daughter Sarah asked grandma to make her a crocheted bedspread. A daunting task for even grandma. It's the biggest project she's ever done. Here it is Christmas Day and she finished it! Amazing! She took her task very seriously (she said she just wanted to get it over with) finishing a quota everyday, not even taking time to check her e-mail.

So, how will our daughter of six girls decide who to will it too? Her answer is , " who ever makes the best life choices."  Hopefully she'll have more than one and have to come up with something else!

This is a "I'm so happy it's done" smile. And not only did this lady finish this incredible project she just hit her weight loss goal of fifty pounds! Someone asked her how she did it and she said , "simple, I just quit eating so much".

Here's my sweet daughter and santa granddaughter who we were blessed to spend Christmas day with.


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