time passes

Six months since Becky died. In some ways it seems like yesterday . I'm thank-ful for the time that's past and that we (our family)  have made it. As we all are coming out of the what I call "the shock stage" we are seeing what we need. I started attending a support group a couple weeks ago, I have to admit I was happy when it was canceled this week......I'm sure it'll be good for me. I have a tendency to stuff things, it did feel good to talk and cry.  The girls are doing some counseling .

The girls have been anxious to put together their moms things
and divide them up for things to remember.
I got some pretty boxes, we opened up Becky's
hope chest and took things out we'd been saving.
It was really sweet,
they each seemed to want certain things,
there was none of the usual bickering
it seemed very sacred.
They helped make Natalie and Conners
boxes, very concerned they had certain things.
I'm glad we were able to do it, I know they'll
treasure their boxes forever.


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