wonderful wedding

All the guests wore black and white , which was really fun.
Only the bride and groom wore color.

Lance and Britton


Marriage pie

Could you imagine a more beautiful setting! Lake Hagg in
Oregon only 30 minutes from their house.

Aunt Delores, Hannah and Chloe

The  Bride

"In our weirdness we found love" (from her vows)


  1. What a great idea...only the couple of the day wearing colour. And what a beautiful backdrop. I'm so glad it was a lovely day.

  2. I love it!
    I'd like to go to a wedding.........it's been a long time.

  3. Wow! How inspired! I have never seen anything like it! Wouldn't be surprised if it starts a trend! Thanks for sharing!

  4. thanks for the pictures, Mom...send those my way, they're adorable! :) Thanks so much for everything you did :)


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