A week-end in Paradise

Saying Good-by's. My favorite nanny (little Isaac's nanny) Me, Gillian
Rachel with Co-Co

I've felt SO blessed the last few days. I'm sure part of it
is the wonderful spring days we've had, oh such heaven.
I had finally slept during the night Thursday night(instead of
the day) and woke up feeling like I could conquer the world.
Kitchen reclaiming was first on my list and then outside.
As much as I complain about outdoor work , it was lovely
to be out weeding and cleaning up. Every once in a
while I'd take a rest , just soaking up the sun in my chair.   I even hung
cloths out on the line! (that always makes me happy)

Yesterday my manly man and I stopped at the temple for
a wonderful session, and then I took him to the airport for
his trip to California. His niece lives in San Diego and just
had a beautiful baby boy . Jim blessed her as a baby, blessed
her other two children and didn't want to miss out on little
Joseph. Unfortunately little Joseph (Joey) is in the hospital
so it might be taking place there, poor little guy.

Well I felt alittle slighted when I got home....my cats didn't
seem to miss me myself very much. Their
demanding as usual, still scratching on
my furniture and wanting to be
let out  and in all the time
I guess that's a cat.

Yesterday I ran a couple errands after dropping my
manly man off and it seemed I saw little
Chinese children everywhere. But,
these didn't run to me for hugs
and demand to be held. They
all had families and that
made me happy.


  1. This post was like a glass of wonderful spring water. Your joy at being home, the ordinary things that you return to - those things that are so precious after being away - the weeding, reclaiming the kitchen. I'm glad you had such a wonderful experience, and am equally glad that you're safely home.

  2. Your trip to China, must have been a wonderful life changing experience for you Linda. The spring weather has been lovely here too. Hope your Manly Man has a good trip to California and little Joey is soon home from hospital.

  3. I'm so glad that I am not alone in finding joy at clothes on the line! So sweet to see you today :)


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