
“Motherhood …is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.”(In James R. Clark

With Mother's Day coming upon us, I wanted to devote a few posts to one of my favorite subjects.....mothers.
I wish I'd been less judgemental of myself when I was a young mother, now I look back and can see so differently then when I was in the moment. Because being in the moment is sometimes very difficult, the trick is keeping our eyes to the future. Oh, I loved those little babies, their smell, their divineness and freshness from Heaven. I remember everytime I brought that new baby home what a sweet spirit there was everything stood still . Through all the sleepless nights, crying and sore breasts I was never happier then when I had a new baby.

This is my Grandma Joye holding my mother
Elizabeth Mae Jochen. She was the first child and first
grandchild on both sides of her family. Born in
Louviers , Colorado in 1928, delivered by her Grandma
Jochen, a midwife and nurse.

Two proud Grandfathers holding up
my mother.

And here is my mother with us four children. At the
time of this picture she was a single mom living
in her moms basement.  She was a
wonderful mother and I'll always be grateful
to her  for the sacrifices she made to give me life .


  1. So sweet! Thank you, Linda... You didn't help my baby hunger any ;)

  2. It looks like you come from a long line of mothering, nurturing women - two qualities that you've obviously passed on to your daughters. What a sweet post!

  3. Motherhood - the hardest and best job in the world.


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