
I'd like to introduce you to our new front deck!
I still look out the window and
can't believe its done and
we have stairs again
and it's so

Thanks Mike from the bottom of our hearts, your awesome!
If you can imagine a downside to it being
finished, there is a little one.
No more Natalie and Conner


  1. That really is beautiful. Will you paint it the same as the house? Or leave it natural?

  2. That's really nice - I imagine you'll be spending a lot of time siting out there watching the grandchildren and the world.

  3. I hate to paint that wood but I was thinking of painting the railings and staining the floor.......what do you think? I just can't decide .
    Thanks Susan and Pondside, yes I plan on lounging on my deck.....lady of leisure.....

  4. That's so sweet! ...and the deck looks amazing. Can you imagine Dad finishing it that quickly? Hee hee.

  5. I know you are so lucky to have this deck done. You will really enjoy it this spring and summer.

  6. It looks like a job well done. I am sure you will spend many wonderful hours sitting out there enjoying all the goings on.


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