day one and two

Sure wish all the boy grandchildren could be here, they'd
love this!

Hey these guys can weed my garden any day!

Here's what it looked like at the end of yesterday. These
guys are serious!

Well, my back is much better, I can walk standing up
straight. Still hurting  but manly man is driving
me to Portland today and then staying
for a few days. Yea!

Looking forward to the next ten days with Sarah and Rachel and their


  1. I can't help but think of how much my little grandsons would love all that activity!
    Have a great time with your girls!

  2. Backs are horrible when they hurt. Hope yours is on the mend soon. Linda have a lovely time with your grandchildren in Portland.

  3. I hate disturbance, and unfortunately it all looks rather similar here.


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