Almost born on Valentine's Day

Her mom didn't want her to share a birthday
with Valentine's Day's so her
wish was granted and Rachel was born on
February 16,1998 .
Her dad was going to school at BYU in Utah so she's
a Utah baby.
Rachel Eunhye Kang
our first granddaughter and second grandchild.
I watched her mom go through hours and hours of labor to
bring this sweet girl into the world. She was welcomed into
this world with open arms and hearts.
Rachel's 15 this year!
(Wow, where's time gone!)
Rachel cultivates many wonderful things in her life. She
plays and loves the piano. (remember her playing with a chopstick when her arm was broken). She's now starting to teach, which I
know she'll be great at. Rachel has always been
a lover of books.
Rachel's a lover of nature. When she visited us from
Las Vegas at about six I loved watching her out my kitchen
window as she walked around our yard just looking
at everything and enjoying being out.
Rachel's the oldest of six girls.She's been a wonderful
sister and loved each new little baby
as they came into her family.
This year Rachel has started attending early morning seminary.
A class at the church just for the youth....six in the morning.
Their studying the New Testament this year
and Rachels loving it.
Last year I had the blessing of going to China with Rachel.
We worked in an orphanage for five weeks.
Rachel was so at ease with the children and workers
and they loved her as she loved them.
I found myself saying,"I wish I could be more
like that" .
Rachel's very loved by all her family, aunts, uncles,cousins
and Grandma's and Grandpa's.
She's my favorite oldest grandchild.



  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Rachel! You are so lucky to have a 15 year old granddaughter!

  2. just found your blog and about Rachel.. what a lovely granddaughter you have, and then you must have done something right with her mother, to have such love and understanding in a young person! I hope you all shared a wonderful day on her birthday, all the best, janzi


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