Here I am in China again , with my granddaughter Rachel! We've been here for a week and a half now. We flew into Shanghai , stayed with Naomi Kerwin a few days at her foster home and then went on to Geiyang to the new Starfish Home. We decided to take the 24 hr train ride and enjoy the beautiful countryside.
Well.... Our 24 hrs. turned into 40! Yes the train ride from hell! It was an experience to remember that's for sure!

But, yes some beautiful country.
Starfish is now comprised of a couple of apartments in a compound in the middle of a city of four million. Lucky us are in a very nice volunteer apt. , with a sit down toilet and lots of warm water! In the middle of the complex is a lovely park and swimming pool.

They keep it very clean!

And here we are again with cute babies. This is Sean just back from Bejing and open heart surgery . Now to get alittle more chub on him before getting his hep. B treated.

Two year old Brian who's waiting for heart surgery. He's a typical toddler.
His lips are always blue and fingertips .

I'm so thank-ful for this opportunity!


  1. What a wonderful adventure, except, of course, the 40 hour trip. That is a gorgeous picture of the scenery.

  2. Did you take things over for them? And are they really called Brian and Sean?

  3. Yes Cro we brought some things on their wish list. When they get them from the orphanage they give them names. Hope this finds you and yours we'll!


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