drama in Rockville

Our granddaughter Sofia (15) drew this picture of Jim and I .Isn't 
it adorable! She made us look so cute and drew her favorite
parts of our yard around the borders.

you can find all kinds of drama in Rockville most of it the good kind, like why I came to 
Maryland to visit! 
I missed Annika's little drama by a few days
she was in a play called "Coffee House".
I heard she did an awesome job and had an awesome hat.
This next week-end Sofia, Annika and Jon will all perform on stage, drama of the best kind.
I usually miss most of the Romero's performances because of our distance
away from each other so I've enjoyed seeing
some of their many talents.
I got to watch Cozy dance in her hip hop class
which was a hoot!
Last night we attended a community rendition of "Swan Lake" with three
of their friends in it.
What talent! 
I'm always amazed at how my amazing daughters
juggle their awesome families
in this fast pace world.
The children are all involved in such wonderful pursuits but yet take time for the
most important things.
Tommy is ten months old now, exploring everything he can open. I love to see
his face light up when he see's his 16 year old brother Anthony. He knows he's going to
get a shoulder ride or run as it
usually turns out. All the children fight over
As usual I am humbled with love for my sweet grandchildren and so thank-ful
I got to visit.
Lia and I hope to get some painting done this next week, samples are already on the wall.
Different shades of gray.

The words "Hold them close" keep coming to 
my mind lately. We had alittle scare with the
"C" word last month. Our daughter Sarah had a mole removed that was diagnosed melanoma. After a few scary days we found
all was well, it wasn't even stage one yet.
Hold them close!


  1. Life just keeps on going, doesn't it dear friend. Love the drawing; you have one talented granddaughter, XOXO

  2. very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.


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