this isn't facebook!I

I need to start blogging again! I find it so much faster to write a little blurp
on facebook and then
I made a facebook book for the last four 
years and it was really fast and easy.
But, this is more of a journel for me and I feel drawn to write.
In February I got to go to Salt Lake City, Utah to what they call "Rootstech". This
year I rented a mini-van and took four people with me, three of them teen-agers.
We had a great time (girls trip!) and I knew it was good when I heard the girls say
"we've got to go next year and bring more friends!"
I didn't make it to as many classes (too busy finding places to take naps!) but, I enjoyed all the  special speakers and concerts at night.
Got to hear Laura Bush, Donny Osmond and the CEO of Family I figured my part was to get the girls there and make sure I brought
them home to their parents.
I loved our time on Temple Square and am always so joyful to feel the spirit
and see the temple.

I'm so thank-ful  and proud to be a member of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints.

In concert with Alex Boye

My granddaughter Maddy and I


  1. Linda! It's so nice to see you back - you've been missed! I hope you'll blog again!

  2. Nice to catch up with all your news!


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