bees and babies oh my

Well, its been a busy couple of days , but , bees and baby are both here safely. And the bee's had a little shaky trip home. Our friend Don went with Jim and used his truck to haul the trailor. Well, they had some trouble on the trip down and than yesterday after they had the trailor loaded and were half way home Don's truck "blew a rod? no..."threw a rod" basicly Jim said if it'd been a horse they would have shot it. They were a couple hrs. from Portland and our daughter Sarah lives there. So , they called her and asked if she knew anyone and she called her bishop. He asked her "How did you know to call me". He knew immediatly who she should call.....someone that had lost his job, desperate for money, and had a disel truck that could pull the trailor. So, he came and got them and they headed home just running a few hrs. behind. And it was very cool so the bees were doing great. Heavenly Father is so good to us, how I love him. Just talked to my manly man and all but a hundred of the boxes were picked up today, tomarrow will be a light day.

As for me......we went and saw the baby this morning, it was so sweet as each child got to hold the baby, I got some sweet pictures. Then Sarah arrived from Portland and her and Tony went to the hospital while I spent the next six hrs. with ll of my grandchildren. They had alot of fun playing together, and Lilly and I bonded.I'm exhausted, but a good exhausted.


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