stolen pictures

I stole this off my daughter Becky's blog~my darling daughter's Becky and Rachel, at maddy's rock and roll party.

This is Madelynn she just turned 8 and had a birthday party Fri. night.Happy Birthday Maddy!

I stole this off my daughter Lia's blog~ her oldest and youngest girls,Sofia and Cozette. They were at our house for awhile this week-end, always fun.

I stole these off my daughter-in-law Beth's blog and these are my cute granddaughters Britton and Lucy.(Beth just got a new camera)


  1. Your babies are beautiful. Check out my blog update about the BC trip.
    Looking forward to next week with Nancy Sweet!! Let me know if there's a plan that includes me. Otherwise, I'll come over after work one evening. Love you, Candy


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