back in the saddle again

Up until now I've just had no motivation to be out in the yard, helping or not. But, I finally broke the cycle a few days ago, which is probley good since I was greeted by an array of incredible weeds.It felt good to be on Baby again and out in the fresh air.(I wore a coat, which tells you summer hasn't quite arrived yet) It is warming up. So, baby and I are cutting the grass and I decided to try and get under the swing , which ended up not being a very good idea! I suddenly paniced as baby and I kept going, knocking the swing over , finally stalling on top of the seat. I yelled at my manly man, "I've had an accident", wrong thing to say as he came running from the woods. "No, no I'm fine but, I can't get baby off the swing". I think he was relieved because I'm always getting hurt out in the yard. So, my wonderful swing is going to the dump tomorrow. It was the final blow , eating the seat up with the mower. We've had it probley seven years and I just can't get it clean anymore. I'll replace it, and maybe take better care of this one??
Much to my manly man's chagrin I filled the sprayer up with weed killer and made the rounds. Still lots of work to do but, it'll look  better for cousin camp next week. Oh, my gosh did I say next week! Got to get busy on the Indian dresses! My manly man's in charge of making the moccasin's but, he doesn't look any closer than me. Were both kinda last minute people.


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